Life and Death in the Garden: Bye Bye Tilde
So, the bad new is, I've killed Tilde. I have only my own haughtiness to blame -- I took the poor plant out of the garage too soon. [caption id="attachment_3849" align="alignnone" width="640"] Deceased Tilde. All of the canes were necrotic, so I cut it back to the soil level. There is still a small chance of new growth from the roots, but that seems unlikely. [/caption] In my own defense, it had repeatedly tried to leaf out, despite the cold and complete darkness... and this variety is cold hardy, so wasn't one of the types I expected to have to baby. I just assumed it wanted out of confinement. In a similar sized pot as Eugène de Beauharnais and my "baby" Claire Austin, it seemed fine until a week ago,…